Public interest infrastructure.

An alternative to corporate clouds built by tech co-ops.

Co-op Cloud is a software stack that aims to make hosting libre software applications simple for small service providers such as tech co-operatives who are looking to standardise around an open, transparent and scalable infrastructure. It uses the latest container technologies and configurations are shared into the commons for the benefit of all.



Democratic development process, centred on libre software licenses, community governance and a configuration commons.


Quick, flexible, and intuitive with low resource requirements, minimal overhead, and extensive documentation.


Control your hosting: use on-premise or virtual servers to suit your needs. Encryption as standard.


Following established open standards, best practices, and builds on existing tools.


What is Co-op Cloud?

Public interest infrastructure. An alternative to corporate clouds built by tech co-ops. It uses the latest container technologies and configurations are shared into the commons for the benefit of all.

Is this a good long-term choice?

Co-op Cloud re-uses upstream libre software project packaging efforts (containers). We aim to directly coordinate between distribution methods (app packagers) and production methods (app developers) to reduce duplication of effort.

What libre apps are available?

You can see all the Co-op Cloud app “recipes” in the online, live-updated recipe catalogue. Among these are Nextcloud, Jitsi, Mediawiki, and many more!

What about other alternatives?

Co-op Cloud helps fill a gap between the personal and the industrial-scale: it’s easier to use than Kubernetes or Ansible, does more to support multi-server, multi-tenant deployments than Cloudron, and is much easier than manual deployments. See all the comparisons with other tools.

Who’s already using co-op cloud?

Servers Co-op

is an algorithm for co-operation: a technical, governance, and cost-sharing stack which radically reduces the cost and complexity of setting up a server hosting provider. Our goal is to support an emerging ecosystem of grassroots, decentralised server hosting providers by stewarding a technical and social toolkit designed for free software communities worldwide.

ruangrupa &

is an experimental social and publishing platform by and for the lumbung artists and lumbung members initiated by ruangrupa. It is a (digital) living room for our collective lumbung building process that allows us to connect, support each other, and also share knowledge collectively. It is built on open platforms, co-operative governance, and as a community infrastructure meant for our practices to develop and thrive.

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

is a revolutionary global union, fighting for better conditions today and economic democracy tomorrow. By training our members in powerful organising methods, direct-action and direct-democracy, we put power in the hands of workers.

United Tech and Allied Workers (UTAW)

is a branch of the Communication Workers Union which seeks to represent and fight for workers interests in the tech industry. UTAW in its organisation collectivises the small amount of power each worker has in their workplace into a force capable of meeting the boss’s power in every workplace. The union branch responsibly wields worker power to fight for our interests - by negotiating agreements with employers, providing legal support, and if necessary, mobilising workers to take part in direct action.

Threndol Tutoring

offers gamified lessons to help students be effective in their studies. We work well with students who have obstacles such as ADHD, dyslexia, and confidence struggles; as well as students who are high achievers and looking to keep grades high or break into a higher symbol. Our unique style of tutoring – where we build skills using games – builds the students capacity to excel.

Vermont Real Estate Cooperative (VREC)

is a cooperative business formed by Vermont residents to own and run commercial and residential property. We are a member-owned and -controlled business that offers: for our community, sustainable local ownership of real estate that builds community wealth. For tenants: reasonable, stable rents and a way to share in any surplus. For member-owners: a values-based investment, a vote in key decisions, and the opportunity to help shape the direction of the business. A way to support the solidarity economy: part of our mission is to rent to co-ops, collectives, and similar social enterprises.

Autonomic Co-op

is a co-operative that is owned and run by its workers. We build technologies and infrastructure to empower users to make a positive impact on the world. All of our services reflect our commitment to our core values: sustainability, transparency & privacy.


Who is involved

Autonomic is a worker‑owned co‑operative, dedicated to using technology to empower people making a positive difference in the world. We offer service hosting using Co‑op Cloud and other platforms, custom development, and infrastructure set‑up.


Autonomic is providing Co-op Cloud hosted services for these fine folks:

European Cultural Foundation


This is a community project.